Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Margaritas and Whipped Cream

We drove down to James' parents on Saturday morning to celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary and renewing their vows. After we got there James and Clyde made a trip to the liquor store. Once back we discussed the fact that none of us had eaten breakfast....

Now you would think that being about 10:30 in the morning we would

1. Make breakfast


2. Head straight to lunch

We opted for another option...

3. Peach Margaritas!!!!

So at about 10:50 in the morning on Saturday we started the celebration with these wonderful, tasty peach margaritas. Followed closely by a big bowl of guacamole (we, and by "we" I mean Clyde, had to make 2 batches of guacamole since we ate the first bowl so quickly).

Needless to say, margaritas, beer and lots of good food pushed away the vows and we just had a good party! I am so glad we were able to come down to celebrate!

Here is a picture of the happy couple 16 years ago on their wedding day.

I was too busy enjoying my margarita to get a picture on Saturday....oops!

Congratulations Clyde and Susie! We love you!

Since the kids are still a bit young for liquor consumption, they got whipped cream!

The spray kind, right in the mouth, when they attempted to close those little mouths, whipped cream had a tendency to spurt out usually onto their hands! They had a blast!

Apparently mixing large amounts of good food and alcohol causes extreme need for sleep, so everyone but Susie and Molly crashed out for awhile. It was a low-key evening from then on, but a great visit!

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