Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorry I'm a slacker!

I have about 5 partially written blog postings, but as they are not complete, I haven't posted them. I can't figure out where the time has gone and still don't know how it came to be that Christmas is only two and a half weeks away!!! Anyway, in spite of my slacking on my blog, I have been productive with work and playing hockey (well, as productive as hockey playing can be).

We also got our wedding pictures from the photographer!

It took several months, but we now have them. The great thing about the photographer is that she took almost a thousand pictures and gave us them all in digital format with permission to print and copy! She also printed 4x6 proofs of all the pictures for us in addition to the digital copies. Now if you have ever priced photographers, you know that they usually take far less pictures and make you order prints through them at not so cheap prices.

We ended up with lots of pictures of me laughing!
There are obviously a lot of pictures of James and I, but also of our wedding party and family and everyone else having a good time. I am excited because we can print pictures that we want and give cds to those who want pictures so they can print whatever they want. Also because we have complete copy permissions, I can post the pics on the web.

I still need to get the pictures from everyone else taking pictures at the wedding, because I know they ended up with some great shots as well. Including some that the photographer missed. I have a goal to actually scrapbook our wedding, maybe I will have it done by our first anniversary (eek, that is just over 6 months away) so I will have to get started soon!

I won't subject you to the nealy 1,000 photos on here. However if for some reason you enjoy looking at photo after photo of James and me and random other people; let me know and I can supply you with a copy of the Eight (yes 8!) cds.

*our photographer was Kelli Noto, if you want her info, let me know. She does not have a website otherwise I would post it.


susie said...

If you had been anything other than laughing and smiling constantly, I would have wondered if something was wrong! Brides look really happy, grooms....sometimes not so much (more like "what have I gotten myself into" LOL)

the pics are great!

Shamrockgirl said...

All the pictures look fantastic! that last one is absolutely beautiful!!