Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh, the Horror...

I went to bed last night thinking it just couldn't be true...

I woke up this morning hoping it was just a really really really bad nightmare...

Working on keeping my eyes open...

I stumbled out of bed...

Trudged down the hall...

Tried to walk in a straight line...

Let the dogs outside...

Wow, it's COLD...

Wandered into the kitchen...

And it just can't be true...

No, I don't want to believe it...

Why me...

Our Coffee Maker is DEAD!!

I think I will go cry now...

Better yet, I will go buy a new Coffee Maker!!!


Shamrockgirl said...

haha... cant be without coffee!!

Solitare said...

So True! I am a coffee addict and I don't care who knows it :)