Saturday, November 8, 2008


So I know you are all asking: "What the heck is STMLIG?"

Well, I have to confess that I did not come up with it. I have to defer all credit to my dad.

It all came about many years ago, back when I was still using a dial-up internet connection (I have upgraded quite a bit since then). My dad created an email address for me with the name "stmlig". It took him repeating himself several times, for me to believe that indeed I had written the email address correctly. Now before I let you in on the meaning, you have to understand a little about my dad. He is nearly always positive. One of his favorite sayings is: "it's like water off a duck's back." I learned to go with the mentality that if you can't change something, then it's not worth worrying about. Now this is not to say that we should give up or give in; but that our efforts can be best used toward something productive, of which worrying is not. My dad is such a great inspiration to me. He is strong, kind, compassionate, protective, loving and fun! I am thankful that I have gained a similar personality, although I am far from attaining all of those characteristics that I find in him. Now back to the email address....

Once I became convinced that I had spelled it correctly I became rather silent, still not sure how in the world my dad picked this email address for me. After all, I have a rather unique name so one would think that you could create an email address with that (remember this is back when many people didn't have an email address, much less 5; so there were still a lot of options to choose from). He finally asked me if I new what "STMLIG" meant and I of course replied "umm, no."

He thankfully did not wait long to share the secret of STMLIG with me...........

Seize The Moment, Life Is Good!

It helps me remember some important things (here are a few):

I need to be thankful in my present circumstances

I can take advantage of opportunities that present themselves

I won't back down in the face of fear

I need to take joy in today, not worry about yesterday and not fret about tomorrow

I know God is Good and has good in store for me

I have a lot more energy to focus on making a difference, if I spend less time concerned with things that I have no control over