Sunday, November 9, 2008

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but....

Believe it or not, I do realize we are still in the first half of November, but.....

I still couldn't help watching a Christmas movie and listening to some Christmas music yesterday. James had to go to work early and after I got up, fed the dogs and cats, read a book and couldn't find anything good on TV, I decided to put on a movie. I looked through our DVD stash and kept coming back to all the Christmas movies we have (much to James' dismay I am sure; I can't help buying them). It was cold outside, slightly chilly inside (I don't keep our heater turned up very high: I figure it is cheaper to use a blanket or sweatshirt that we already own, than to spend more money running the heater), so I filled up my mug with hot coffee (with Peppermint Mocha creamer, very fitting) and put on "The Santa Clause." I quite enjoyed my little precursor to the holiday season. Then, I remembered that Barlow Girl put out a new Christmas CD; so I went on iTunes and downloaded it. While I was there I remembered another Christmas cd that had been broken, so I downloaded it as well. Thus ensued my listening to Christmas music on November 8th.

I did manage to keep myself from putting up any lights or other decorations. That usually happens just after Thanksgiving. I will do my best to wait until then, but as far as movies and music...I figure I already opened the floodgate, so why stop now :) James is not working today, so the likelihood of a Christmas movie is next to none, but tomorrow is another day!

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