Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yes, I am a Slacker...

Okay, so I have been a complete slack with my blog for the past month or so.

I promise I will try to be better.

No pictures today (It's been a long day!), I'll try to get some up later this week.

However, I will give you a quick run-down of things :) In no particular order:

We have a new nephew! Wyatt Logan Arnold was born on April 27, 2009! I've seen pictures and we hope to visit in a few weeks.

My work has been busy! Even with the economy not being so great right now (so not much sales for us), people still need service work or changes on their phones. I guess people still want/need to talk on the phone...

James and I are getting ready to play in 3 hockey leagues this summer! That should keep us busy and hopefully out of trouble! Hopefully James doesn't get too sick of the rink since he is working there and will be there at least three times a week to play. I am very excited though!

We've started Geocaching again...if you've never gone, you should try it! If you don't know what it is then go here to check it out. We did it a lot a few years ago and kept meaning to start up again, it just took until now. Anyway we've gone several times recently and even brought the boys (our dogs) with us a few times. It is great to get out and enjoy the area we live in and the boys get some exercise! Hopefully we can keep it up.

We have convinced two more people to start playing hockey. A friend and her friend, who I now consider a friend...hopefully she is okay with that :) We went to C league drop-in and had them come too (they will be playing in D league), it took a little convincing but they got right out there and played! They did great, I was very impressed! Thankfully all the other guys at drop-in were very supportive and nice. I think it helped make it a good first experience! I'll try to post an update (maybe a picture if they'll let me) as the season progresses.

I am still a "Craigslist Junkie" as my friend says! We got 2 wingback lazy boy recliners that had tears in the cushions. They are really cool, I've recovered one of them (again with needing pics, sorry) and hope to do the second one this weekend. James is a fan and says they are "library chairs" and I completely agree. We also got 2 other "accent" chairs (another matching set) these are in good condition so I don't plan on reupholstering them right away. We plan to put one set of chairs downstairs and the other upstairs. We've gotten some other stuff too, but I can't think right now, so that will have to come later.

We are planning to get our lower level (the downstairs unfinished part of our house, but not really a basement since we have full windows...the garden level I guess) cleaned up so it more usable space. We would love to finish the space eventually, but our funds will not support that venture right now. So in the mean time, we will pseudo-finish it :) We have carpet (free off of Craigslist) to put down, it is dark purple and kind of cool, James loves it! Our bookshelves and masses of books along with desk and TV will go in half of the downstairs. I have always wanted a library, so that is what is will be: a library/office/rec room. The other half will be storage and play area...drums, pool table, and hopefully a dart board eventually. I will try to let you know how the progress goes. I am a complete pack rat so I need to get all my stuff organized (James wants it thrown away, but that might give me a heart-attack so I will stick with organizing it).

The dogs have been using their dog run and we have wanted to get the rest of the yard cleaned up... However, we live in Colorado and have still been getting snow so that makes doing yard-work a little difficult. Hopefully the weather will stay nice now and we can get working on the yard.

We've done a few game nights with friends. We love playing board games and so do most of our friends, so that works good. I love having people over and playing games or just hanging out, so we are planning much of that this summer, so come on by!

Okay, I think that is all I can think of right now...I will try to not be such a slacker from now on :)

I will also try to get some pics up here since as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words."


Rachel said...

Yeah!! An update!!

How busy you 2 have been. Patiently waiting for pictures...



The Arnold's

susie said...

Okay, you've turned me into a craigslist junkie too. I need gravel, and as soon as I can find some free gravel and it's not snowing, I'm going to go get some. I'm also looking for the 6x6" landscape timbers so I can build my patio out by the drive. Can't wait to see the library!

Sorry about the nagging ;>)

Solitare said...

I will gladly turn you into a craigslist junkie! The nagging is not a problem, I need it as I can be easily distracted!

Shamrockgirl said...

HAHA!! Craigslist is just too easy to become addicted to. i will waste hours at work just looking at stuff i dont even need (please dont tell my boss!!). Glad to see it has been keeping you quite busy!