They included buying and trying the "King of Fruits": Durian
A few weeks before we left, he was watching a show on the travel channel and the host tried Durian for the first time. Apparently the smell was similar to rotten onions and stinky feet. Now doesn't that sound appetizing?
So after this wonderful description James looked up where you could get Durian. The closest place he found to our Colorado home was a Chinese market in Las Vegas. This market also happened to be located only 2 miles from out hotel.
So James and I along with our friend Shannan ventured to this market. It was actually pretty cool, there were tanks of live fish (to buy and cook..or not I guess) and bins of live crabs. I was laughing at a guy who was trying to capture a crab with tongs and put it into a bag to buy... I think it took him about 25 tries to get it in the bag. What can I say, I am easily entertained!
So we walked through the store looking at the interesting mix of normal food we see at the grocery store and unknown stuff with Chinese writing. We ventured to the produce department to find James' Durian. We found all sorts of fruit, but could not find the "King of Fruits" :( So we got some dragon fruit, jujube, star fruit, and a young coconut. Then before hope was lost (also before James would start to cry, although there was a slightly disheartened frown on his face) we found the Durian! It was in a freezer near the produce section. You would think that since the description of the smell was so lovely and the fact that it is kept in a freezer that we might be detered from obtaining this item; nope, not one bit. We decided to ask an employee if they had a suggestion on how to open the Durian, and the response was "" with a slightly scared look on his face. I am not sure if it was due to a lack of understanding of the language or just thinking we were completely stupid to want to open this fruit. So with no assistance in this matter, we chose to purchase a small (cheap) knife so we could cut it open.
We left our purchases in our hotel room since we had the hockey game to go to, besides the Durian needed to thaw.
Late Saturday night when we made it back to the hotel, our tasting was to begin.
James was very excited to have his Durian:
He thought it smell a little like a melon, and even gave it a sweet little kiss:
Ready for dissection! I got volunteered for the honor:
Alas it is open:
It has a custard-like interior with large seed pods:
Shannon takes a whiff...
And a taste....not impressed
We have all tried it at this point, but James just can't throw it away and decides to go for round two...
A nice big piece, can he do it?
Nope, not gonna happen :) I missed getting a good picture of his gagging face (you'll just have to imagine it). By now the smell is very......ummm....potent! The taste is similar to raw onions that have been sitting out for awhile and the smell is a lot worse. We wrapped up the "precious" Durian and threw it in the trash: not in our room, not in the hall, not in the lobby but in the trashcan outside of the hotel. See we do have some common sense!
So if you decide that you need to try the "King of Fruits" do so at your own peril or at least that of your nose and gag reflex. It took a day for the smell to dissipate from our room, but the memories will last.
I have a lot of coworkers who travel frequently to the Philippines. Believe it or not, some of them like Durian. But most hate it.
The taste is actually not too bad, it's the smell that really gets you!
That is a very interesting piece of food you have there. Your smell description puts a weird look onto my face.
Good post and good pictures!
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