Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Pink has packed its bags....

A couple weeks ago my parents came up for the weekend to paint our house.

James and my dad power-sprayed the whole thing on Friday to get rid of any dirt and loose paint. James now wants a power-sprayer...he had a lot of fun with it :) We cleaned the gutters and scraped paint in a few spots.

Saturday morning we got up early and started painting! Let me tell you, it was very therapeutic covering up all that pink with a nice gray. We got all of the base color painted on Saturday and my dad also fixed a couple of boards that had rotted. It was a long day, but very productive!

On Sunday we got up a little later and started on the roof-line trim which is a dark grayish charcoal. We got that finished and painted the door a brick red. We started getting a little rain so were not able to finish all of the white trim, so that is an ongoing project, a little at a time.

The pink is gone!!!! I am so excited!!!!!
Here is the Before:

And After:

I did a little photo-editing so you don't have to look at the dead grass :) This space will eventually become a patio area with a table and chairs!

So for waiting so long to post, it's been a little crazy lately. I will post again soon!


Rachel said...

Beautiful, JUST beautiful! It changes the whole look of the house.

The red door looks so inviting.

susie said...

I like it. I'm thinking of yellow trim and a green or blue door. I don't have to paint anything but the trim since we're a brown stucco.

really like the rock yard you photoshopped in.

OldManFromBlackForest said...

Nice... real nice... I like pink but that color wasn't quite right....

susie said...

ok, time for an update!